/tickets/createArticle sends Email articles by email;
string fields which is empty (string) are undefined (null)
in JSON responses;
date fields which is empty (string) or zero are undefined (null)
in JSON responses;
/tickets/getTicketList added TicketFromFullTextSearch field with
a ticket information when it is found by FullTextSearch with numbers
in it which are like TicketNumber of a ticket;
/tickets/getTicketList SmartSort parameter added for useful sorting by
/filter/getTicketViews fixed default Colors when RS4OTRS_Mobile package
isn’t installed;
removed useless permission checks;
/customers/getCustomerUser added error responses.
/tickets/getTicketList fixed timezone error for CreateTimeUnix field.
/tickets/getTicketList fixed Count response.
/tickets/createTicket LockByOwner is true by default.
My Queues filter gets queues from personal queues of personal
notification settings of a user.
/services/getServiceList for CustomerUserLogin returns a tree
as for /queues/getQueueList.
/tickets/updateTicket State, Owner, Priority cannot be changed
ticket a ticket isn’t locked by a user.