RS4OTRS_API: tickets/updateTicket
Update ticket
Need permissions: MOVE_INTO, OWNER, PRIORITY, RW
Required parameters:
- The value of “SessionName” field of /auth/login response - main token
- TicketID - ticket id.
Unrequired parameters:
- Title - title.
- Queue - queue or
- QueueID - queue id.
- Type - type or
- TypeID - type id.
- Service - service or
- ServiceID - service id.
- SLA - SLA or
- CustomerID - customer.
- CustomerUserID - customer user login.
- Lock - lock.
- LockID - lock id.
- ArchiveFlag - archive flag.
- State - state or
- StateID - state id.
- NewOwner - new owner or
- NewOwnerID - new owner id.
- NewResponsibleUser - new responsible user or
- NewResponsibleUserID - new responsible user id.
- Priority - priority or
- PriorityID - priority id.
- UntilTimeDateUnix - pending time in unix-format.
- Year - pending year.
- Month - pending month.
- Day - pending day.
- Hour - pending hour.
- Minute - pending minute.
- Rule - can be ``TicketEdit’’ for different algorithms of Owner changing.
- DynamicFields - a hash with pairs DynamicField name : value.
Successful answer:
{ "Response": "OK" }
No ticket:
"Response": "ERROR",
"Message": "No ticket"
No parameters:
"Response": "ERROR",
"Message": "Pass some fields for ticket update: ..."
Cannot update some fields:
"Response": "ERROR",
"Message": "The follow parameters wasn't updated: Title, SLA ..."
In case of failed update some fields then the list of them will be returned. The method udateTicket is a wrapper for corresponded method such as updateTicket, updateQueue etc but without detailed information about an error reason.