
In case of different paths when your code path is different than Home value you should make a soft link to a path just like Home.

ln -s /path/to/your/radiant /opt/radiant

Home is /opt/radiant by default.

How to write Selenium tests .t file

Get Selenium object:

my $Selenium = $Kernel::OM->Get('Kernel::System::UnitTest::Selenium');

Prepare tests frame:

$Selenium->RunTest(sub {

Add preparatory header lines for setting a temporary Config enviroment:

$Selenium->RunTest(sub {

    my $Helper = $Kernel::OM->Get('Kernel::System::UnitTest::Helper');

        Valid => 0,
        Key   => 'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketNote###DynamicField',
        Value => 0


Create Test user and login:

$Selenium->RunTest(sub {

    my $Language = 'ru';

    my $TestUserLogin = $Helper->TestUserCreate(
        Groups   => [ 'admin', 'users' ],
        Language => $Language,
    ) || die "Did not get test user";

        Type     => 'Agent',
        User     => $TestUserLogin,
        Password => $TestUserLogin,


Open Radiant Action Module page (e.g: AdminACL):

$Selenium->RunTest(sub {

    my $ScriptAlias = $Kernel::OM->Get('Kernel::Config')->Get('ScriptAlias');

