Get articles


Need permissions: RO, RW

Required parameters:

  • The value of “SessionName” field of /auth/login response - main token.
  • TicketID - ticket id.

Optional parameters:

  • Count - just article count.
  • IsVisibleForCustomer - 0|1
  • Order - ASC | DESC
  • Limit - limit.
  • Page - page of article result set.

Successful answer (article count):

    "Response": "OK",
    "Count": 5

Successful answer:

    "Articles": [{
        "Seen": 1,
        "Age": 6627369,
        "PriorityID": 3,
        "ContentType": "text/plain; charset=utf-8",
        "ServiceID": null,
        "StateID": 4,
        "Body": "asdfasdf",
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        "CreateTime": "2019-06-16 04:23:53 (Europe/Moscow)",
        "Changed": "2019-06-16 00:23:59",
        "OwnerID": 1,
        "CommunicationChannelID": 2,
        "Owner": "root@localhost",
        "Created": "2019-06-16 04:23:53 (Europe/Moscow)",
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        "TicketID": 266,
        "CreateTimeServer": "2019-06-16 00:23:53",
        "ChangeTime": "2019-06-16 04:23:53 (Europe/Moscow)",
        "Cc": null,
        "EscalationResponseTime": 0,
        "UnlockTimeout": 0,
        "IncomingTime": 1560644633,
        "Charset": "utf-8",
        "ArchiveFlag": "n",
        "Bcc": null,
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        "Responsible": "root@localhost",
        "SenderType": "customer",
        "ChangeTimeServer": "2019-06-16 00:23:53",
        "ResponsibleID": 1,
        "ChangeBy": 1,
        "MimeType": "text/plain",
        "Subject": "vxcvzv",
        "InReplyTo": null,
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        "CustomerID": null,
        "MessageID": null,
        "TypeID": 2,
        "To": "Raw",
        "Priority": "3 normal",
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        "UntilTime": null,
        "EscalationUpdateTime": 0,
        "Queue": "Raw",
        "SenderTypeID": 3,
        "ToRealname": "Raw",
        "State": "open",
        "Title": "vxcvzv",
        "CreatedTimeUnix": 1560633833,
        "References": null,
        "ArticleType": "phone",
        "StateType": "open",
        "IsVisibleForCustomer": 1,
        "FromRealname": "Ivan Testov",
        "EscalationSolutionTime": 0,
        "LockID": 1,
        "TicketNumber": 2019061665000017,
        "ArticleNumber": 1,
        "Lock": "unlock",
        "SLAID": null,
        "From": "\"Ivan Testov\" <>",
        "Direction": "Internal"
    "Response": "OK"

No ticket:

    "Response": "ERROR",
    "Message": "No ticket"

No permission ro'' orrw’’ on a ticket queue:

    "Response": "ERROR",
    "Message": "No permission"


  • Internal for internal messages.
  • Incoming for customer messages.
  • Outgoing for others (agent, system).