RS4OTRS_API: tickets/createArticle
Create article
Need permissions: NOTE or RW
Required parameters:
- The value of “SessionName” field of /auth/login response - main token
- TicketID - ticket id.
- Subject - subject.
- Body - body.
Unrequired parameters:
- ArticleType - article type (Phone by default, Email, Chat, Internal).
- SenderType - sender type (agent, system, customer by default).
- OwnerID - owner agent id.
- Lock - lock.
- To - to.
- Cc - cc.
- ReplyTo - in reply to.
- ContentType - text/plain; charset=utf-8
- Charset
- MimeType
- Estimated - spent time.
- State - state.
- StateID - state id.
- UntilTimeDateUnix - pending time in unix-format or
- Year - pending year.
- Month - pending month.
- Day - pending day.
- Hour - pending hour.
- Minute - pending minute.
- DynamicFields - a hash with pairs DynamicField name : value.
Successful answer:
"Response": "OK",
"ArticleID": 9382
Lack of required parameters:
"Response": "ERROR",
"Message": "Required fields is not defined: TicketID, Subject, Body"
No ticket:
"Response": "ERROR",
"Message": "No ticket"
No permission note'' and
owner’’ or ``rw’’ on a ticket queue:
"Response": "ERROR",
"Message": "No permission"
Article was added but some operations on it are failed:
"Response": "ERROR",
"Message": "Article was created but these operations are failed: SetEstimatedTime, UpdateState, UpdatePendingTime"
Other errors while adding article:
"Response": "ERROR",
"Message": "Cannot add article"