Create attachment


Need permissions: NOTE or RW or CREATE

Required parameters:

  • The value of “SessionName” field of /auth/login response - main token
  • TicketID - ticket id or
  • ArticleID - article id.
  • File:
    • Content - content in base64 format.
    • ContentType - content type.
    • Filename - file name.

Successful answer:

    "Response": "OK",
    "ContentAlternative": null,
    "ContentID": null,
    "Filesize": "4.6 KB",
    "ContentType" : "application/pdf",
    "FilesizeRaw" : 4722,
    "Disposition  : "attachment",
    "FileID": 3

Incorrect TicketID:

    "Response": "ERROR",
    "Message": "Ticket is incorrect"

Incorrect ArticleID:

    "Response": "ERROR",
    "Message": "Article is incorrect"

No Ticket:

    "Response": "ERROR",
    "Message": "No ticket"

No permission create'' ornote’’ or ``rw’’ for a ticket queue:

    "Response": "ERROR",
    "Message": "No permission"

Internal error:

    "Response": "ERROR",
    "Message": "Internal error. Please contact administrator!"

Cannot add attachment:

    "Response": "ERROR",
    "Message": "Cannot add attachment"

No parameters:

    "Response": "ERROR",
    "Message": "No Content, ContentType or Filename parameters"