Get tickets


Returns a set of tickets or one ticket.

Need permissions: RO, RW

Required parameters:

Name Description
The value of “SessionName” field of /auth/login response main token.

Optional parameters:

Name Description
Count just to get ticket count (1|0)
ViewID view ID (for filtering)
SortBy field list for sorting (array of names)
OrderBy field list for sorting order (array of names)
FullTextSearch string for searching in Subject, Body, From, To, Cc (‘\%’ sign is used for matching: ‘’\%hello\%’’ for example).
TicketID ticket id.
TicketNumber ticket number.
Title title.
Queues queue list (array of names).
QueueIDs queue list (array of numbers).
Types type list (array of names).
TypeIDs type list (array of numbers).
SmartSort 1 (see below).
States state list (array of names).
StateIDs state list (array of numbers).
StateType state type: “Open”, “Closed”.
Priorities priority list (array of names).
PriorityIDs priority list (array of numbers).
Services service list (array of names).
ServiceIDs service list (array of numbers).
SLAs SLA list (array of names).
SLAIDs SLA list (array of numbers).
Locks lock list (array of names).
LockIDs lock list (array of numbers).
OwnerIDs owner list (array of numbers).
ResponsibleIDs responsible list (array of numbers).
WatchUserIDs watch user list (array of number).
CustomerID customer id.
CustomerUserLogin customer user login.
From from.
To to.
Cc copy.
Subject subject.
Body body.
Limit limit.
Offset offset.
DynamicFieldsMode mobile | all adds DynamicFields field.

Successful answer:

    "NeedTokenUpdate": 1,     # Need to set a new token for mobile push
                              # notification.
    "Response": "OK",
    "Tickets": [{
        "Seen": 1,
        "Age": 6624195,
        "PriorityID": 3,
        "ServiceID": null,
        "Type": "Incident",
        "CreatedServer": "2019-06-16 00:23:53",
        "Responsible": "root@localhost",
        "StateID": 4,
        "ResponsibleID": 1,
        "ChangeBy": 1,
        "EscalationTime": 0,
        "HasWatch": 0,
        "UntilTimeDateUnix": 0,
        "Changed": "2019-06-16 04:23:59 (Europe/Moscow)",
        "OwnerID": 1,
        "RealTillTimeNotUsed": 0,
        "GroupID": 1,
        "Owner": "root@localhost",
        "CustomerID": null,
        "TypeID": 2,
        "Created": "2019-06-16 04:23:53 (Europe/Moscow)",
        "UntilTimeDate": 0,
        "Priority": "3 normal",
        "UntilTime": 0,
        "EscalationUpdateTime": 0,
        "CustomerUserLastname": null,
        "Queue": "Raw",
        "QueueID": 2,
        "State": "open",
        "Title": "vxcvzv",
        "ChangedServer": "2019-06-16 00:23:59",
        "CreateBy": 1,
        "LinkCount": 0,
        "TicketID": 266,
        "CustomerUserFirstname": null,
        "StateType": "open",
        "EscalationResponseTime": 0,
        "UnlockTimeout": 0,
        "EscalationSolutionTime": 0,
        "LockID": 1,
        "TicketNumber": 2019061665000017,
        "ArchiveFlag": "n",
        "CreateTimeUnix": 1560633833,
        "Lock": "unlock",
        "SLAID": null,
        "WatcherCount": 0,
        "CustomerUserID": null,
        "DynamicFields": {
          "TestMulti": {
            "Value": null,
            "Type": "Multiselect",
            "Screens": {
              "AgentMobileTicketStatus": "rw"
            "Name": "TestMulti"

Count of tickets:

    "NeedTokenUpdate": 0,     # Need to set a new token for android push
                              # notification.
    "Response": "OK",
    "Count": 5

If SmartSort then tickets are sorted by EscalationSolutionTime with useful algorithm for agents work.

The order of tickets with straight direction (OrderBy=Up by default):

  • Expired. From the most to the least ones.
  • Not expired. From the approaching to expired to the least ones.
  • Without expire. By age, from old to new ones.

With reverse direction (OrderBy=Down):

  • Not expired. From the least to the approaching to expired.
  • Expired. From the most to the least ones.
  • Without expire. By age, from new to old ones.